Bhasu Nicknames - Nicknames for Bhasu

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Bhasu Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Bhasu include: Bhasu, Bhas, Bash, Bhasi, and Bhasky.

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Bhasu Name Details

Learn more about the name Bhasu including its meaning, history, and more.

Jam (jam)
Haha (HAH-hah)
Rikhuad (rik-oo-ahd)
Jaisan (JAY-san)
Mandra (MAN-drah)
Rafaqat (rah-fuh-kat)
Amrtamalini (uhm-ruh-tuh-muh-LEE-nee)
Lonlee (LAHN-lee)
Rudi (ROO-dee)
Silah (si-LAH)
Keleman (keh-leh-mahn)
Raynne (rayn)