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Basirah Nicknames - Nicknames for Basirah

Basirah nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Basirah Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Basirah include: Sira, Basi, Bas, and Sisi.

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Basirah Name Details

Learn more about the name Basirah including its meaning, history, and more.

Princy (PREEN-see)
Shashirekha (shah-SHEE-reh-ka)
Dhundhi (dhuhn-dee)
Abhijeet (AB-hee-jeet)
Raidah (r-eye-d-ah)
Qaylah (kay-lah)
Aotearoa (ah-oh-TEAH-roh-ah)
Toreed (toh-REED)
Kaapalin (KAA-pah-lin)
Bhagana (bhuh-guh-nuh)
Cuong (kwuhng)
Tien (tee-en)