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Baqeer Nicknames - Nicknames for Baqeer

Baqeer nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Baqeer Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Baqeer include: Reeqab, and Baqeify.

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Baqeer Name Details

Learn more about the name Baqeer including its meaning, history, and more.

Naidhrua (NAY-DROO-AH)
Chakravak (chuhk-ruh-vuhk)
Jeelani (jee-lah-nee)
Marco (MAR-koh)
Narrottam (nuh-ROHT-uhm)
Juthamah (Joot-hah-mah)
Lakshmiprasad (Lahk-shmee-prah-saad)
Darpita (dar-PEE-ta)
Sethu (se-thoo)
Bilvani (bil-VAH-nee)
Kimberlly (kim-ber-lee)
Gelilah (juh-LIE-luh)