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Bakhavish Nicknames - Nicknames for Bakhavish

Bakhavish nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Bakhavish Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Bakhavish include: Baki, Bakh, Vishi, Bavy, and Baku.

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Bakhavish Name Details

Learn more about the name Bakhavish including its meaning, history, and more.

Mayuranki (MAY-uh-ran-kee)
Adusita (a-doo-SEE-tah)
Katie (KAY-tee)
Atrah (uh-TRAH)
Juniper (ju-nih-per)
Sobaanah (so-baa-nah)
Popi (POH-pee)
Harshinika (hahr-SHEE-nee-ka)
Susee (Soo-see)
Yavishth (yah-veeshth)
Ettan (EH-tahn)
Farmand (FAR-mahnd)