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Awwal Nicknames - Nicknames for Awwal

Awwal nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Awwal Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Awwal include: Alec, Al, Allie, Aw, and Walli.

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Awwal Name Details

Learn more about the name Awwal including its meaning, history, and more.

Krishnan (KRISH-nahn)
Bhavuk (BHAH-vuhk)
Rashadat (rah-shah-daat)
Amerzgar ([uh-murz-gar])
Deeshawn (dee-shawn)
Maialen (mah-yah-LEHN)
Masdiq (MAS-dik)
Concordia (kawn-KOR-dee-É™)
Kasi (KAH-see)
Maninder (mahn-in-der)
Ahavaniym (Ah-hah-vah-neem)
Ruwail (roo-wail)