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Avirat Nicknames - Nicknames for Avirat

Avirat nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Avirat Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Avirat include: AviAv, AviRat, Avi, Raty, Virat, Vira, and Virat.

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Avirat Name Details

Learn more about the name Avirat including its meaning, history, and more.

Ronit (ROH-nit)
Andres (AN-dres)
Yogadeva (Yo-ga-de-va)
Marah (ma-RAH)
Anjal (ahn-jahl)
Dayalu (Dah-yah-loo)
Chance (chans)
Ganapati (gah-nuh-PAH-tee)
Abroo (uh-broo)
Kordell (kawr-DEL)
Awalah (Aw-wah-lah)
Barika (bah-REE-kah)