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Aurel Nicknames - Nicknames for Aurel

Aurel nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Aurel Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Aurel include: Auri, L, Aura, El, Aur, and Relly.

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Aurel Name Details

Learn more about the name Aurel including its meaning, history, and more.

Khojassteh (Kho-jas-steh)
Pranaya (pruh-NAH-yuh)
Qudsi (kood-see)
Drusilla (druh-SIL-ah)
Inderveer (in-der-veer)
Fagun (fuh-goon)
Kavimalar (kah-vee-mah-lahr)
Vinati (vih-NAH-tee)
Busr (Boo-sir)
Mihraaq (mih-raak)
Muirne (MOO-ir-nyeh)
Atfal (AHF-tall)