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Atman Nicknames - Nicknames for Atman

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Atman Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Atman include: Manny, Tman, Atta, Manman, Attyboy, Manito, Mani, and Atty.

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Atman Name Details

Learn more about the name Atman including its meaning, history, and more.

Veluppillai (vuh-loo-pee-lai)
Aathimanthi (ah-THI-mahn-thee)
Udyaan (ood-yahn)
Tista (TEE-stah)
Nawaaseb (na-wa-seb)
Nirish (Nih-rish)
Roopmati (roop-muh-tee)
Astabhuja (ah-stahb-hoo-juh)
Avdhut (avd-hoot)
Amavasya (ah-mah-VAH-syah)
Sibghat (sib-GHAAT)
Wasla (WAHZ-lah)