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Asvin Nicknames - Nicknames for Asvin

Asvin nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Asvin Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Asvin include: Asvi, Ashu, Ash, and Vin.

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Asvin Name Details

Learn more about the name Asvin including its meaning, history, and more.

Balivaka (bah-li-VAH-kah)
Padamadev (puh-duh-muh-dev)
Pamsula (pam-SOO-lah)
Yagneshwara (yahg-nehsh-wah-ruh)
Manita (Mah-nee-tah)
Heerchandra (Heer-chuhn-dra)
Sanai (suh-NAY)
Shubhakari (shoo-bhuh-kah-ree)
Joey (JO-ee)
Mavleen (muhv-leen)
Basair (bah-sah-ir)
Chun-Hua (Choon-Hwah)