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Apoorv Nicknames - Nicknames for Apoorv

Apoorv nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Apoorv Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Apoorv include: RV, and Apoo.

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Apoorv Name Details

Learn more about the name Apoorv including its meaning, history, and more.

Varshith (VAR-shith)
Chinshu (chin-shoo)
Glen (glen)
Shaunakshi (sha-uh-nuhk-shee)
Sadoof (sah-doof)
Aluka (ah-LOO-kah)
Clancey (KLAN-see)
Vanita (vuh-NEE-tuh)
Mahapatra (mah-hah-PAH-trah)
Uppili (oo-PEE-lee)
Ambuj (AHM-boo-j)
Jafikha (juh-FEE-khah)