Amitayus Nicknames - Nicknames for Amitayus

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Amitayus Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Amitayus include: Yam, Ami, Tays, Amita, Taya, and Mayu.

Used for
primarily used as a given name for boys in buddhist cultures.

Amitayus Name Details

Learn more about the name Amitayus including its meaning, history, and more.

Sowndarya (sow-ndar-yah)
Imaduddin (ee-mahd-oo-din)
Hridaan (hree-DAHN)
Johannes (yoh-HAH-nes)
Kastar (kas-tahr)
Saubhadra (sow-bhuh-druh)
Tammeka (tah-MEH-kah)
Tanvin (TAN-vin)
Dhrtatman (dhur-taht-muh n)
Nassab (nuh-sahb)
Daivansh (DAY-vahnsh)
Kari (KAH-ree)