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Afsoon Nicknames - Nicknames for Afsoon

Afsoon nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Afsoon Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Afsoon include: Foonie, Afso, Sooni, Funi, and Afsey.

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Afsoon Name Details

Learn more about the name Afsoon including its meaning, history, and more.

Jeethesh (jee-thesh)
Jegathiswaran (jeh-guh-thee-swa-ran)
Ketubha (keh-TOO-bhah)
Sindhuraj (sin-dhoo-raaj)
Foolwati (fool-waa-tee)
Bagavathi (bah-gah-VAH-thee)
Swarga (Swahr-guh)
Jann (yahn)
Mawaddah (mah-wah-dah)
Laajward (lah-juh-wurd)
Dahana (duh-HAH-nah)
Pragnya (pruhg-nyaa)