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Abhranti Nicknames - Nicknames for Abhranti

Abhranti nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Abhranti Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Abhranti include: Bhra, Ranti, Abhi, Tan, Abhi-T, and Anti.

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Abhranti Name Details

Learn more about the name Abhranti including its meaning, history, and more.

Pippa (PIP-É™)
Khisal (Khee-sal)
Gwendolyn (gwen-DOH-lin)
Didar (dee-dar)
Pannalal (puh-nuh-LAHL)
Rida (REE-dah)
Paramvir (puh-ruhm-veer)
Alhena (al-HEE-nah)
Rukbana (rook-baa-nah)
Bhayanashini (Bhuh-yuh-nuh-shee-nee)
Ravoof (ruh-VOOF)
Prashasth (prah-shahss-th)