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Abdulla Nicknames - Nicknames for Abdulla

Abdulla nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Abdulla Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Abdulla include: Abdullah, Dulla, Abdo, Abby, Lala, and Abdi.

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Abdulla Name Details

Learn more about the name Abdulla including its meaning, history, and more.

Jayasimha (juh-yuh-SIHM-hah)
Shaft (shaft)
Samboornadevi (sahm-BOOR-nah-DAY-vee)
Zahiya (zah-HEE-yah)
Shubhravati (shoo-bhra-va-tee)
Devine (dih-VEEN)
Ugur (OOH-gur)
Phoolendu (foo-len-doo)
Shrilata (shree-LAH-tah)
Riny (RIH-nee)
Sharla (SHAR-lah)
Sarveshwara (sar-vehsh-wa-rah)