Uganda Names, Meanings, and their History ― Page 2

You are viewing Page 2 of Uganda Names from around the world.

Upendo (oo-PEN-doh)
Find details about Upendo including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Washa (WAH-sha)
Find details about Washa including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Harun (hah-roon)
Maachah (muh-KAY-uh)
Chadia (Sha-dee-uh)
Mikko (MIK-koh)
Chaturbahu (chuh-tur-bah-hu)
Yaawar (yah-wahr)
Jayakanta (jaya-KAN-ta)
Tripur (tri-poor)
Swapnam (swaup-nuhm)
Akhdan (AHK-dahn)
Krishana (kree-SHAH-nah)
Naseeri (NAH-see-ree)