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Heral (heer-uhl)
Find details about Heral including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kathia (KATH-ee-uh)
Find details about Kathia including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Katrinna (kuh-TRI-nuh)
Find details about Katrinna including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Salas (sah-lahs)
Find details about Salas including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Tejomayi (teh-joh-my-ee)
Ajatashatru (AH-jah-tah-sha-troo)
Shanice (shuh-NEES)
Mudgal (muhd-guhl)
Madhubhala (muh-dhoo-bhuh-luh)
Abhinit (uh-BHEE-nit)
Fakharuddawlah (Fah-kah-rood-dahw-lah)
Qseem (Unknown)
Zajaaj (za-jaj)
Hammraa (ham-RAH)
Tarini (tuh-REE-nee)
Banafsheh (Bah-naf-shey)