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Bhaktigamya (bhuk-tee-gahm-yuh)
Find details about Bhaktigamya including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Gnanapriya (gna-nuh-pree-yuh)
Find details about Gnanapriya including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Harseerat (hahr-see-rat)
Find details about Harseerat including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Sanjogita (sahn-joh-gee-tuh)
Find details about Sanjogita including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Srutakeerthi (sru-ta-keer-thi)
Find details about Srutakeerthi including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Norin (noh-rin)
Eroth (ER-awth)
Aili (AY-lee)
Allecia (ah-LEE-see-ah)
Pratulya (pruh-TOO-lyah)
Aapt (Unknown)
Narayanaswamy (nuh-ryuh-nuh-swah-mee)
Kimberli (KIM-bər-lee)
Bashnin (Bash-neen)
Barnaby (BAR-nuh-bee)
Ojaswinee (oh-jahz-wee-nee)
Cvetanka (tsvet-an-kah)