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Ibrahim (ih-BRAH-heem)
Find details about Ibrahim including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Mohammed (moh-HAH-med)
Find details about Mohammed including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Mustafa (moo-stah-fah)
Find details about Mustafa including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Omar (OH-mahr)
Find details about Omar including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vijesh (vi-JESH)
Vika (VEE-kuh)
Udhyan (oo-dhyuhn)
Bahergee (buh-HEHR-jee)
Chupunika (choo-poo-nee-kah)
Rudr (ruhd-ruh)
Ancala (ahn-KAH-lah)
Jaipreeth (JAI-pree-th)
Nibras (nee-bras)
Maurvi (MAWR-vee)
Wafiqa (wah-FEE-kah)
Lilibeth (lee-lee-beth)