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Habla (hah-blah)
Find details about Habla including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Muktavli (muk-tahv-lee)
Find details about Muktavli including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Qantah (Kan-tah)
Find details about Qantah including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vaak (vahk)
Find details about Vaak including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Lamees (LAH-meese)
Masarrat (muh-suh-raht)
Sulekh (soo-lek)
Uthkal (ooth-kal)
Rubaina (roo-BAY-nah)
Kathinya (kath-IN-yah)
Arulvadivu (AH-rool-vah-DEE-voo)
Slavey (slah-vay)
Ramsunder (ram-SUN-der)
Mananiya (muh-NAH-nee-yuh)
Geeravan (gee-ruh-van)
Sudesna (soo-DESH-nah)