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Falk (fahlk)
Find details about Falk including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Falkee (fahl-kee)
Find details about Falkee including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Hawk (hok)
Find details about Hawk including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Yajatra (yah-jah-trah)
Murassi (moo-RAH-see)
Kanika (kuh-nee-kuh)
Vazar (vah-zahr)
Afiyat (AH-fee-yaht)
Ifeanyichukwu (ee-fay-ahn-yi-CHOOK-woo)
Easwaranayaki (eez-wah-ruh-nuh-yah-kee)
Morgana (mor-GAH-nah)
Shiva (SHEE-vah)
Alambusa (ah-lahm-boo-sah)
Ewa (eh-vah)
Chandrakishore (chan-dra-ki-shore)