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Nidra (NEE-drah)
Find details about Nidra including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Sonurita (soh-noo-ree-tah)
Find details about Sonurita including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Swapn (SWAHPN)
Find details about Swapn including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Chelsee (CHEL-see)
Oogharath (oo-ga-ra-th)
Aloodra (uh-LOO-drah)
Tasveer (tas-veer)
Nain (NEY-n)
Vaidik (VAY-dik)
Madhvaji (ma-dh-va-ji)
Salsabeel (sahl-sah-beel)
Keif (kēf)
Aleshanee (ah-luh-SHAH-nee)
Meadow (mee-dow)
Kharif (kuh-REEF)