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Ekaatma (e-kat-mah)
Find details about Ekaatma including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Ipsa (IHP-sah)
Find details about Ipsa including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Zat (zaht)
Find details about Zat including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Omdutt (ohm-doot)
Tiku (TEE-koo)
Chiraga (chi-RAH-guh)
Serenity (suh-ren-i-tee)
Xayadvirah (ZAY-a-dee-vir-ah)
Devasoma (deh-vuh-SOH-muh)
Pramath (pruh-math)
Mandayam (man-dah-yam)
Edhatu (ed-HAH-too)
Naqeer (NAH-keer)
Chhayank (CHH-uh-yank)
Lublubah (lub-loo-bah)