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Kranti (krahn-tee)
Find details about Kranti including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vikranti (vik-RAHN-tee)
Find details about Vikranti including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vritti (vrit-tee)
Find details about Vritti including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Paunraj (poun-raj)
Prutha (proo-tha)
Arhab (Ar-hab)
Tawaseem (tah-wah-seem)
Abhidhya (uh-bhee-DHYAA)
Kshonhi (kshohn-hee)
Satha (sah-thah)
Nivedita (ni-vee-di-ta)
Vinat (vih-nat)
Charuchit (cha-roo-chit)
Sudhindra (sood-in-dra)
Kaodli (kowd-lee)