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Promila (pro-MEE-lah)
Find details about Promila including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vikasinee (vee-ka-SEE-nee)
Find details about Vikasinee including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vikasini (vi-KAH-see-nee)
Find details about Vikasini including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Shaer (SHAE-er)
Pujesh (poo-jesh)
Gurumel (guru-mel)
Chaaya (CHA-ya)
Elesh (eh-LESH)
Akarsana (ah-kar-SAHN-uh)
Gourikant (go-ree-kuhnt)
Sommer (SOH-mər)
Tianna (tee-AH-nah)
Lark (lahrk)
Vamadeva (vah-muh-DAY-vah)
Nageshwari (nuh-GESH-wah-ree)