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Latyayana (lat-ya-yah-nah)
Find details about Latyayana including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Muniba (moo-NEE-bah)
Find details about Muniba including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Promila (pro-MEE-lah)
Find details about Promila including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nafeelah (nuh-FEE-lah)
Tawni (tawn-ee)
Nirmanyu (neer-MAHN-yoo)
Binish (bi-NISH)
Ghayat (gah-YAHT)
Dafiq (duh-feek)
Pitanila (pi-ta-nee-la)
Abhisheka (uh-bi-SHEH-kuh)
Chelliah (che-leah)
Kenil (keh-nil)
Jacinth (JAY-sinth)
Djamel (jah-MEHL)