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Abarr (uh-BAR)
Find details about Abarr including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Joshua (joh-shoo-uh)
Find details about Joshua including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Juli (JOO-lee)
Find details about Juli including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kenith (KEN-ith)
Find details about Kenith including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Linnette (lin-ET)
Find details about Linnette including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vance (/væns/)
Find details about Vance including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Sadid (sah-deed)
Madiraksa (Maa-di-rak-sha)
Uzi (OO-zee)
Venkataramananandan (ven-kuh-tah-rah-muh-nah-nuhn-duhn)
Zamiran (ZAH-mee-ran)
Minqad (min-kad)
Arumuga (ah-roo-moo-gah)
Kiing (kihng)
Durr (dur)
Ghais (GH-ais)
Animesh (uh-NEE-mesh)
Balbir (bahl-BEER)