Nigerian Syrian Names, Meanings, and their History ― Page 4

You are viewing Page 4 of Nigerian Syrian Names from around the world.

Husni (hoo-snee)
Find details about Husni including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Ibrahim (ih-BRAH-heem)
Find details about Ibrahim including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Iren (eye-ren)
Find details about Iren including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Istifa (Is-tee-fa)
Find details about Istifa including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jaalib (jah-leeb)
Find details about Jaalib including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jah (jaa-H)
Find details about Jah including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jamila (jah-MEE-lah)
Find details about Jamila including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jarar (juh-RAHR)
Find details about Jarar including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Joshua (joh-shoo-uh)
Find details about Joshua including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Juli (JOO-lee)
Find details about Juli including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kader (KAH-der)
Find details about Kader including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kanboor (kan-boor)
Find details about Kanboor including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Izzati (iz-zah-tee)
Tobree (toh-bree)
Duqaq (doo-KAHK)
Izar (ee-ZAR)
Barhis (Baa-rih-shis)
Babhravi (bah-brah-vee)
Gowrimanohar (go-ree-muh-no-har)
Rupesa (roo-PEH-suh)
Sutam (Soo-tahm)
Gardenia (gar-DEEN-yah)
Izdher (Iz-dher)
Nirali (nee-RAH-lee)