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Emir (EH-meer)
Find details about Emir including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Hugo (HYOO-go)
Find details about Hugo including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Yuliana (yoo-lee-AH-nah)
Find details about Yuliana including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Amitojas (AH-mee-TOH-jahs)
Yoboue (yoh-BOO-eh)
Sushobhit (soo-SHOH-bhit)
Jamill (jah-meel)
Fatira (fah-TEE-rah)
Boitumelo (boh-ee-too-MEH-loh)
Ahuti (ah-HOO-tee)
Chandak (CHAHN-dak)
Areena (uh-ree-nuh)
Japa (JAH-pah)
Fataah (FAH-tah)
Rabit (Raa-bit)