Jordanian Tunisian Names, Meanings, and their History ― Page 9

You are viewing Page 9 of Jordanian Tunisian Names from around the world.

Naasih (NAH-seeh)
Find details about Naasih including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Naasikhah (NAA-si-KHAH)
Find details about Naasikhah including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nadia (NAH-dee-uh)
Find details about Nadia including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nahiya (Naa-hee-yah)
Find details about Nahiya including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Naimah (na-EE-mah)
Find details about Naimah including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nasiba (nah-SEE-bah)
Find details about Nasiba including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nasr (NAHSR)
Find details about Nasr including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nibaal (Nee-bahl)
Find details about Nibaal including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nour (noor)
Find details about Nour including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Omar (OH-mahr)
Find details about Omar including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Pashmina (pash-MEE-nah)
Find details about Pashmina including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Radwan (RAHD-wahn)
Find details about Radwan including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Leica (LIE-kuh)
Ghulumat (gloo-luh-maht)
Chabbi (CHA-bee)
Haseeb (ha-SEEB)
Aashik (AH-sheek)
Chittvana (chit-vah-nuh)
Saineha (sigh-nay-ha)
Mahamati (mah-hah-MAH-tee)
Sowjanya (so-JAHN-yah)
Rayann (ray-ann)
Hemisha (heh-MEE-shah)
Nehal (NEH-hahl)