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Abarr (uh-BAR)
Find details about Abarr including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jamel (juh-MEL)
Find details about Jamel including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Louiza (loo-EE-zah)
Find details about Louiza including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Gwenyth (GWEN-ith)
Rujusmiriti (roo-juhs-mi-ree-tee)
Barry (BEHR-ee)
Orrell (or-EL)
Karryn (KAIR-in)
Rowanne (ro-WAN)
Phoenix (fi-niks)
Cola (KOH-lah)
Jammal (ja-MAHL)
Duamah (doo-AH-mah)
Dharamjot (dah-ruhm-jot)
Mohith (moh-HI-th)