Hindi French Names For Boys, Meanings, and their History ― Page 4

You are viewing Page 4 of Hindi French Names For Boys from around the world.

Shanene (sha-NEEN)
Find details about Shanene including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Suhayb (Su-hayb)
Find details about Suhayb including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Sur (suhr)
Find details about Sur including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Terek (Tuh-rek)
Find details about Terek including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Yollanda (yo-LAHN-dah)
Find details about Yollanda including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Devapuspa (deh-vah-POOS-pah)
Rasajna (raa-saj-naa)
Irtika (er-TEE-kuh)
Sofiyah (soh-FYE-uh)
Niva (NEE-vah)
Balkar (buhl-kahr)
Hutam (Hoo-tam)
Vrisan (vree-san)
Madam (muh-DAM)
Khassees (Kha-sees)
Yaghman (YAGH-man)
Abhisarikaa (ah-bi-SAH-ree-kaa)