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Gur (gurr)
Find details about Gur including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Gurbans (/ˈgərˈbæns/)
Find details about Gurbans including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Gurbar (GUR-bar)
Find details about Gurbar including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Partaabi (par-ta-bee)
Find details about Partaabi including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jeyarani (jay-ah-RAH-nee)
Hannu (HAN-noo)
Balamohana (bah-lah-moh-hah-nah)
Senbagam (sen-buh-guhm)
Laaim (laym)
Siona (see-OH-nah)
Havya (Huh-vee-yah)
Maamun (mah-MOON)
Rajeshram (RAH-je-shram)
Ibsham (ib-shuhm)
Ujjesh (uh-jesh)
Abheek (AH-beek)