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Abarr (uh-BAR)
Find details about Abarr including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Adam (AH-dum)
Find details about Adam including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Adda (AH-dah)
Find details about Adda including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Adri (AH-dree)
Find details about Adri including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Ailes (AY-les)
Find details about Ailes including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Airiana (ay-ree-AH-nah)
Find details about Airiana including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Albin (AL-bin)
Find details about Albin including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Alda (AHL-dah)
Find details about Alda including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Alexandar (al-ig-ZAN-dər)
Find details about Alexandar including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Alexander (al-əg-ZAN-dər)
Find details about Alexander including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Alexandro (ah-lex-AHN-dro)
Find details about Alexandro including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Alexxandra (ah-leks-AHN-dra)
Find details about Alexxandra including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Anvit (AHN-veet)
Kulluka (koo-luh-ka)
Veni (VEH-nee)
Zehid (ZEH-hid)
Kasivisalatchi (kuh-see-vee-suh-lah-chee)
Zevesh (/ˈzɛv.ɛʃ/)
Vrushti (vruhsh-tee)
Shinkai (SHIN-kaɪ)
Sanas (sah-NAHS)
Erkin (EHR-keen)
Suhairah (suh-HAI-ruh)
Dharmeshawara (dhar-me-sha-va-ra)