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Udhayakala (uu-dhaa-ya-kaa-la)
Find details about Udhayakala including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Ullekh (ool-lek)
Find details about Ullekh including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vinoothna (vee-nooth-nah)
Find details about Vinoothna including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Charini (shuh-REE-nee)
Ankati (ahn-KAH-tee)
Jivinta (jee-VIN-tuh)
Sihi (SEE-hee)
Sakram (SAK-ram)
Merziya (mer-ZEE-yah)
Houri (ho͞o-rē)
Gajamuka (ga-ja-moo-ka)
Nadeema (na-DEE-mah)
Cucu (KOO-koo)
Abasalom (ah-buh-SAH-luhm)
Promila (pro-MEE-lah)