Distinctive Names, Meanings, and their History ― Page 2

You are viewing Page 2 of Distinctive Names from around the world.

Vaspaan (vahs-pahn)
Find details about Vaspaan including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Viviktha (vee-veek-tha)
Find details about Viviktha including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Teague (TEEG)
Rozal (ro-ZAHL)
Agust (AH-goost)
Angaraja (ahn-gah-RAH-jah)
Sherie (sheh-REE)
Nishra (NISH-rah)
Muznah (mooz-nah)
Dharanija (thaa-RAH-nee-jah)
Yashwini (yahsh-VEE-nee)
Naweem (na-WEEM)
Kaib (Kah-ib)
Lohitaksha (loh-HEE-tahk-shah)