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Alexander (al-əg-ZAN-dər)
Find details about Alexander including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Daniel (dan-yuhl)
Find details about Daniel including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Jakob (JAY-kub)
Find details about Jakob including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kowakab (koh-wah-kahb)
Inbisaat (in-bih-SAHT)
Charusila (cha-roo-SEE-lah)
Alishia (ah-LEE-shuh)
Parashupani (puh-rah-shoo-puh-nee)
Qadaar (KAH-dahr)
Sunu (SOO-noo)
Isam (ee-sahm)
Zemirah (zuh-MY-ruh)
Tamaq (Tah-mock)
Omvati (ohm-vah-tee)
Raghotham (rah-GO-thum)