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George (JORE-juh)
Find details about George including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Joseph (JOH-seph)
Find details about Joseph including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Michael (MY-kul)
Find details about Michael including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Peter (PEE-ter)
Find details about Peter including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Usher (UH-sher)
Sunil (su-NEEL)
Taksh (tahk-sh)
Mariana (mahr-ee-AH-nah)
Izdihaar (iz-dee-HAHR)
Purah (pu-rah)
Panjang (PAN-jahng)
Jamwal (juhm-wahl)
Hameeda (hah-MEE-duh)
Chandrakanti (chuhn-druh-KAN-tee)
Allisa (uh-lis-uh)
Devadars (DEH-vuh-dahrz)