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Ali (AH-lee)
Find details about Ali including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Hassan (hah-SAN)
Find details about Hassan including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Hussein (hoo-SAYN)
Find details about Hussein including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Ibrahim (ih-BRAH-heem)
Find details about Ibrahim including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Auji (Ou-jee)
Erkan (er-kan)
Rashaad (rah-SHAHD)
Hashia (hah-shee-uh)
Caruyasas (Cha-ru-yah-sahs)
Trushti (troosh-tee)
Jayram (JAY-ram)
Kandarpa (kahn-dar-pah)
Jaladhar (jah-luh-dhahr)
Suvrata (soo-vra-ta)
Utkrishta (oot-KRISH-tah)
Rahulaka (rah-hoo-la-ka)