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Falguni (/fahl-goo-nee/)
Find details about Falguni including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Mahafil (mah-ha-feel)
Find details about Mahafil including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Mahendi (muh-HEN-dee)
Find details about Mahendi including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Nauroz (na-ROHZ)
Find details about Nauroz including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Vijaynti (vi-jayn-tee)
Find details about Vijaynti including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Bhartri (buh-rt-ree)
Chaital (chai-TAHL)
Khinsha (kin-sha)
Nadiahope (Nuh-DYE-uh-HOPE)
Aaya (ah-yah)
Newekom (Nuh-wuh-kohm)
Kineesh (kuh-neesh)
Gudakesha (goo-duh-kay-sha)
Hamaatah (hah-mah-tah)
Adrisa (uh-dree-suh)
Perjanya (per-JAN-ya)
Shahzab (SHAHzahb)