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Akua (ah-KOO-ah)
Find details about Akua including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kofi (KO-fee)
Find details about Kofi including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Kwame (kwa-MAY)
Find details about Kwame including its meaning, pronunciation, and history, here.
Volha (VOL-hah)
Ganghari (gan-GAH-ree)
Seya (SAY-uh)
Chitrarth (CHIH-trarth)
Anandbhairavi (ah-nahnd-bye-rah-vee)
Vaijanti (vye-jahn-tee)
Nakanadi (nah-kuh-NAH-dee)
Mahaketu (muh-HAH-kay-too)
Reece (reese)
Velayi (veh-lay-ee)
Dyumna (d-yu-m-n-a)
Fawz (fawz)