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Zartosht Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

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The meaning of the name "zartosht" is "zartosht is a persian name derived from the avestan name zarathustra. it means 'golden camel' or 'possessing golden camels'.", and is used often for "zartosht is primarily used as a given name for boys.".

zartosht is a persian name derived from the avestan name zarathustra. it means 'golden camel' or 'possessing golden camels'.
Used for
zartosht is primarily used as a given name for boys.

Zartosht Name Details

Zartosht (Zoroaster in English) was a Persian prophet and the founder of Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest known monotheistic religions. He is believed to have lived around the 10th century BC and his teachings revolved around the concept of a supreme god, Ahura Mazda. Zartosht's teachings greatly influenced Persian culture and have had a significant impact on religious and philosophical traditions across the world.

Lucetta (loo-SET-ah)
Dhairyesh (dah-YE-rehsh)
Masruq (mas-rook)
Amkanaa (Am-kaa-naa)
Jordaan (yor-DAHN)
Ataullah (ah-tah-oo-lah)
Amritanshu (uhm-ree-tahn-shoo)
Kusumaa (koo-SOO-mah)
Razeen (rah-zeen)
Qaalib (kaa-leeb)
Ritaa (ri-TAH)
Ghuwaas (ghoo-waas)