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Yugal Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Yugal name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "yugal" is "yugal is a sanskrit name meaning 'pair' or 'union'. it symbolizes the bond or connection between two individuals or things.", and is used often for "yugal is commonly used as a masculine given name in india.".

yugal is a sanskrit name meaning 'pair' or 'union'. it symbolizes the bond or connection between two individuals or things.
Used for
yugal is commonly used as a masculine given name in india.

Yugal Name Details

The concept of Yugal is deeply rooted in Indian philosophy and spirituality. It represents the idea of harmony, unity, and balance. In Hinduism, Yugal is associated with the divine couple Radha and Krishna, who are thought to embody the perfect union of love and devotion. The name Yugal carries a sense of togetherness and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Shankhavan (shahnk-hah-van)
Nirmanyu (neer-MAHN-yoo)
Perwaze (per-WAZE)
Radhacharan (RAH-duh-cha-ron)
Tanush (tuh-NOOSH)
Maiwenn (MY-wen)
Mandarmalika (muhn-dar-muh-lee-ka)
Aanick (ah-neek)
Indy (IN-dee)
Airawati (er-uh-wah-tee)
Torilyn (toh-ri-lin)
Zorid (ZOH-rid)