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Ushas Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

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The meaning of the name "ushas" is "ushas is a feminine sanskrit name meaning 'dawn' or 'sunrise'. in hindu mythology, ushas represents the goddess of dawn, known for bringing light and new beginnings.", and is used often for "this name is predominantly used for girls.".

ushas is a feminine sanskrit name meaning 'dawn' or 'sunrise'. in hindu mythology, ushas represents the goddess of dawn, known for bringing light and new beginnings.
Used for
this name is predominantly used for girls.

Ushas Name Details

Ushas has deep roots in Hindu traditions and mythology. In ancient Vedic texts, Ushas is described as a beautiful and radiant goddess responsible for dispelling darkness and bringing light to the world. She is often associated with rebirth, renewal, and the start of a new day. The name Ushas carries an essence of hope, freshness, and the awakening of life with each sunrise.

Kovidha (ko-VEE-dha)
Swami (SWAH-mee)
Ruwaydah (roo-way-duh)
Kshiteendra (kshi-tee-en-dra)
Anjaleena (AN-juh-LEE-nuh)
Sushaant (soo-shahnt)
Angira (AHN-gir-ah)
Tareef (tah-REEF)
Marut (MAH-root)
Najibah (na-JEE-bah)
Badehi (ba-DEE-hee)
Satishchandra (Sa-tee-shchuhn-dra)