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Toru Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Toru name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "toru" is "passing through", and is used often for "both boys and girls".

passing through
Used for
both boys and girls

Toru Name Details

The name Toru is of Japanese origin and has roots in the Japanese language. It is a unisex name that can be given to both boys and girls. The meaning of Toru is 'passing through' or 'to pass through'. It is a popular name in Japan and has been used for centuries. The name Toru carries a sense of movement and transition, symbolizing the journey of life. It is a unique and meaningful name choice for anyone looking for a name that represents the idea of moving forward or progressing.

Aiyla (eye-luh)
Nihira (nee-hee-rah)
Eldwen (ELD-wen)
Katreen (kuh-TREEN)
Saihish (sigh-hish)
Rukhaam (roo-kham)
Manam (muh-NAHM)
Bose (BOH-seh)
Tapasvat (tuh-PUHS-vuht)
Harsharani (hahr-shah-RAH-nee)
Olichudar (oh-lih-choo-dahr)
Susanne (su-ZAN)