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Thirumoorthi Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Thirumoorthi name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "thirumoorthi" is "thirumoorthi is a tamil name and it has a religious significance. it is derived from the combination of thiru and moorthi. thiru means 'sacred' or 'divine' and moorthi means 'deity' or 'idol'. so, thirumoorthi can be interpreted as 'sacred deity' or 'divine idol'.", and is used often for "thirumoorthi is commonly used as a masculine name among tamil-speaking communities in south india.".

thirumoorthi is a tamil name and it has a religious significance. it is derived from the combination of thiru and moorthi. thiru means 'sacred' or 'divine' and moorthi means 'deity' or 'idol'. so, thirumoorthi can be interpreted as 'sacred deity' or 'divine idol'.
Used for
thirumoorthi is commonly used as a masculine name among tamil-speaking communities in south india.

Thirumoorthi Name Details

Thirumoorthi holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and religion. It refers to the trinity of gods in Hinduism, consisting of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer). The trinity is worshipped as Thirumoorthi, representing the balance and cyclical nature of life. The name Thirumoorthi signifies devotion and reverence towards the gods.

Zapurah (za-PU-rah)
Alsaba (al-sah-bah)
Jerusha (juh-ROO-shuh)
Seir (seer)
Suprasada (soo-pruh-suh-duh)
Manisankara (MA-ne-sahn-kah-ruh)
Neor (NEE-or)
Mufid (moo-feed)
Sambathkrishna (SAM-bath-krish-nah)
Gajamuka (ga-ja-moo-ka)
Nandedkar (nuhn-dayd-kahr)
Rabek (ruh-BEHK)