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Sanithi Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Sanithi name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "sanithi" is "sanithi means 'goddess of wealth' or 'goddess lakshmi' in sanskrit.", and is used often for "it is used as a girl's name in various cultures, especially in india and other south asian countries.".

sanithi means 'goddess of wealth' or 'goddess lakshmi' in sanskrit.
Used for
it is used as a girl's name in various cultures, especially in india and other south asian countries.

Sanithi Name Details

Sanithi has its roots in Hindu mythology, specifically as the name of the goddess Lakshmi, who is considered the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. In Indian culture, the name Sanithi is often given to girls to symbolize their potential for success and abundance throughout their lives.

Azer (AH-zər)
Annika (ah-nee-kah)
Lazare (LAH-zahr)
Imanii (ee-MAH-nee)
Qiu (choo)
Mufzal (moo-fzal)
Paiez (pay-eez)
Robertson (rahb-ert-suhn)
Firasah (fi-RAH-sah)
Krishnala (kree-SHNAH-lah)
Himansh (hee-mahnsh)
Farakhzad (fah-rahk-zad)