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Sadhya Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Sadhya name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "sadhya" is "possible meanings are 'accomplished', 'fulfilled', or 'successful'.", and is used often for "this name is used for both boys and girls.".

possible meanings are 'accomplished', 'fulfilled', or 'successful'.
sa-dhya (suh-dyuh)
Used for
this name is used for both boys and girls.

Sadhya Name Details

The name Sadhya has roots in the Sanskrit language. In Hindu mythology, Sadhya is also referred to as a group of celestial beings who are particularly associated with rituals and offerings. The name carries a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, suggesting that individuals with this name may have the potential to achieve success in their endeavors.

Mudiwa (moo-DEE-wah)
Vishnay (VISH-nay)
Girven (GUR-vin)
Kubraa (koo-brah)
Swadhinta (swah-din-tah)
Arsalaa (ahr-suh-lah)
Birtul (Bir-tool)
Jaiwanti (jai-WAHN-tee)
Salette (sah-LET)
Harinaksi (hah-ri-nahk-see)
Thaninban (THAH-nin-ban)
Wartaaj (war-TAAJ)