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Saaat Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History
Saaat name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
The meaning of the name "saaat" is "hour, time", and is used often for "both boys and girls".
Saaat Name Details
Saa'at is an Arabic name that is derived from the word 'sa'at', which means 'hour' or 'time'. It is a unisex name and can be given to both boys and girls. This name carries the connotation of valuing and being conscious of time. In Arabic culture, giving this name to a child can symbolize the importance of punctuality and the significance of each passing moment. The name Saa'at is a reminder to cherish time and make the most of every hour we have.
Mayuranki (MAY-uh-ran-kee)
Sattat (suh-TAHT)
Akshainie (uhk-SHAY-nee)
Amruthanshyu (ahm-roo-thahn-shyoo)
Hollie (HAW-lee)
Maraimani (mah-rah-ee-mah-nee)
Rubin (ROO-bin)
Saarbah (SAR-bah)
Kiri (KEE-ree)
Mwaka (MWAH-kah)
Prahalad (PRAH-ha-lad)
Sarina (sah-REE-nah)