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Run Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

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The meaning of the name "run" is "to move at a quick pace by moving the legs rapidly", and is used often for "mainly used as a verb to describe the action of running".

to move at a quick pace by moving the legs rapidly
run/ rÊŒn/
Used for
mainly used as a verb to describe the action of running

Run Name Details

The origin of the name 'Run' is uncertain. It may have derived from the Old English word 'rinnan' or the Old Norse word 'runna', both of which mean 'to flow' or 'to run'. 'Run' is also commonly used as a short form or nickname for names such as 'Rupert' or 'Rudolph'.

Ibdar (ib-dar)
Abq (Unknown)
Khlit (khlit)
Bunita (boo-NEE-tah)
Dharmatma (dhar-mat-ma)
Ekan (AY-kan)
Satvanti (suh-tvahn-tee)
Atiqah (ah-tee-kah)
Manaf (muh-NAHF)
Henrie (HEN-ree)
Jeri (JER-ee)
Parampreet (PAH-rahm-preet)