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Rishikulya Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Rishikulya name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "rishikulya" is "rishikulya is a sanskrit name meaning 'pure river'", and is used often for "rishikulya is predominantly used as a feminine name".

rishikulya is a sanskrit name meaning 'pure river'
Used for
rishikulya is predominantly used as a feminine name

Rishikulya Name Details

The name Rishikulya has its roots in Sanskrit, an ancient language of India. In Hindu mythology, rivers hold great significance and symbolism. Rishikulya, often referred to as the 'pure river', is associated with purity and sacredness. The name is believed to convey a sense of divine sanctity and holiness. It is commonly used as a feminine name in India, exemplifying the reverence for rivers and the significance they hold in Indian culture.

Harivarman (hah-ree-vahr-muhn)
Haajar (hah-jar)
Un (oon)
Sharaara (shuh-RAH-ruh)
Rukayat (roo-KAY-at)
Yudhajita (yoo-dhah-jee-tah)
Supratika (soo-pruh-tee-kuh)
Ghulam (Ghoo-lam)
Godharin (goh-dhah-REEN)
Niveditha (nee-veh-dee-thuh)
Ayeeshah (ay-EE-shah)
Shikmah (SHIK-mah)